Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Fair

I worked the Fair today.  There is nothing ironic about the Fair.  There is no nuance, and no subtlety.  The Fair is where everyone lets everything hang out, literally and metaphorically.  It is glorious cross-section of humankind, bedazzled and America'd for maximum people-watching enjoyment.  I sold rings, body jewelry and sarongs to my fellow humans, some more evolved than others.

I also rode the public bus there and back, which was just icing on the cake.  The bus is one of the last vestiges of shameless human contact.  People will talk to you no matter what, because dammit, we're all in the same boat (with wheels).  The guy with no teeth screaming at his toddler, the entrepreneurial upcycling artist who turns actual garbage into actual sculptures, the driver named Matthew who is well practiced in the art of subduing the unruly bus-riding public, and myself, a broke-ass college student who wanted to save a little money on gas.

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